Theme for the Year

"Formula to Expose the Devil's Lies in 2025" 

Upcoming Events

- Juvenile Hall Ministry - 5 January 2025 at 6:00pm

- Wednesday Night Bible Study "The Book of Job" - 8 January 2025 at 7:00pm

Congregational Prayer and Bible Study Canceled - 22 January 2025

Sunday's Sermon (5 January 2025)

"Formula to Expose the Devil's Lies in 2025" (Continues) 1John 3:7-10 (Pastor Calvin M. Tucker)  

READING FROM GOD'S WORD : (5 January 2025)

Sister Debra L. Tucker


WORD FOR THE WEEK: (5 January 2025)

"This the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice truth. But if we walk in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin."

                                                                             1John 1:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV)

Sunday School (5 January 2025)

"Calling Sinners to Repentance" (Mark 2:13-17) Teacher: Sister Debra L. Tucker



Baptism: 2 (Brothers Sidney Jones and Robert Varkonyi accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior)

BridgeHouse Feedings: Six feedings and 422 meals served (Jan [78], Mar [56], May [83], Jul [71], Sep [66] & Nov [68]). Total cost: $1,372.45.

Witnessing/Outreach: Shared the Gospel with 39 people and Christine accepted Christ Jesus as her Savior on 6 Nov.

Juvenile Hall Ministry: JVH ministry resumed on 3 September 2023 after disruption by COVID in March 2020. Shared the Gospel with 12 youth and one accepted Jesus as Savior.     

- Russian/Ukraine War: Donated $6,500.00 in support of the Ukrainian victims upon request the Great Commission Association of Southern Baptist Churches (GCASBC).

- Samaritan Purse Christmas Shoes Boxes: $469.82 donated to fill 16 Christmas Gift Shoes Boxes for children

Pregnancy & Parenting Support Center: Presented a $500.00 donation to the center.

- Fed Lompoc Hospital Staff: Partnered with 5 other ministries to provide lunch for approximately 260 employees.

- Lompoc Police Officers' Association: Donated on 21 Sep (Department received on 23 Oct).

Visitors: 21 visitors: (Mar - Dec)

Funeral Services Rendered: 0


2 March – Provided Todd (homeless) with food and clothing. Cost: $130.69

8 March – Reverend Thomas Brandenberg passed away and went to his eternal home with Jesus Christ. Reverend Brandenberg shared the pulpit with Pastor Calvin for a brief time. He was instrumental in bringing four young girls and one young boy to New Life in 2018. All four girls accepted Jesus Christ and were baptized Nov 2018. He also was also instrumental on the committee in organizing New Life’s Outreach to the community on 3 November 2018. He was a member of New Life from 16 Sep – Jan 2019.

7 May – Pastor Calvin presented a $300.00 donation to the Shawndel Malcolm, President of Planting a Seed in their effort to provide care package, monthly meals and community clean-up events.

14 May – Donated 36 packages of Mac & Cheese, 20 large cans of vegetables and fruits, 36 bath towels and 36 face towels to the BridgeHouse pantry: cost $244.13.

1 July – Pastor Calvin, Sisters Debra and Sonia presented a $500.00 donation to the Pregnancy & Parenting Support Center.

7 July – Sister Lerlene Jolly a dear friend to Pastor Calvin and Sister Debra passed away and went to her eternal home with Jesus Christ. Our daughter Janel’s God-mother.

10 August – New Life partnered with 5 other ministries (Grace Temple, St James, Rivers of Living Waters, J-Smoov, and The House of the Lord Christian Church) to provide lunch for Lompoc Hospital Staff approximately 260 employees. The total cost was $1,560.00, $260.00 per ministry.

24 August – Reverend Michael Guy Cook passed away and went to his eternal home with Jesus Christ on 8 Mar 21. Reverend Cook played a significant role in New Life joining the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). Reverend Cook also supported and organized a committee to examine Pastor Calvin for ordination by a cadre preachers and deacons through SBC. Reverend Cook served as the Director of Missions (DOM) for the Pacific Southern Baptist Association (PSBA) from 2000-2014. In 2014, he led PSBA to merge with the Central Coast Baptist Association (CCBA) now known as the Great Commission Association of Southern Baptist Churches (GCA). He served as Director of Church Health in GCA, until he was called as DOM of the Mother Lode Baptist Association. He and his wife Cindy were close friend with Pastor Calvin and Sister Debra often sharing date night together as couples enjoying dinner and live theater events. Pastor Calvin and Reverend Cook met in 2004.

14 September – Served BridgeHouse’s residents approximately 64 meals. Specials thanks to the cooks and servers; Pastor Calvin, Sisters Debra T. Sonia and Janel. Cost: $164.28

20 September – Community Prayer Events at the flagpole to pray for Lompoc, elected officials, first responders, hospital staff and the entire community. The event was organized and conducted by the City Pastors Fellowship organization in which nine Pastors (including Pastor Calvin) offered targeted prayers. There were approximately 100+ Lompoc residents in attendance.

21 September – New Life provided lunch for the Lompoc Police Department from Subway for approximately 34 employees.Cost: $216.40 (See 12 Nov for $204.00) 

6 November – Thanksgiving Meal served to the BridgeHouse approximately 70+ meals were served to the residents. Specials thanks to the cooks and servers; Pastor Calvin, Sister Debra T. and Brother Robert. Cost: $250.21

13 November – The membership voted at the Quarterly Membership Meeting to upgrade New Life’s music system (Brother Robert/POC), to purchase new church chairs, and new "New Life" T-Shirts (Pastor/Sonia POC for both). Also, membership voted for New Life to cover the cost for members attending the On-Target Evangelism Conference, 2-3 May at Clovis Community Church, Clovis, Ca.

12 December – Doug and Julie made a public confession of their faith through water baptism.

26 December – Pastor Calvin introduced 2022 Theme; "Submit to Jesus, in You in 2022" (Encouraged members to be submissive to the unction of Christ Jesus in them, by realizing that living the Christian life is not by self-effort, but by allowing His Spirit to do the work through them).

29 December – New Life received 40 new comfortable chairs for the sanctuary that was approved by the membership on 13 November.

29 December – Reverend James “Chip” Cameron Sister a dear friend of Pastor Calvin and Sister Debra passed away and went to his eternal home with Jesus Christ. Chip as he was called, was a friend of Pastor from elementary school till his death. He often as a kid would tease the Pastor about the horrors of the Book of Revelation, emphasizing eternity in hell.