Wednesday Night Bible Study
(7:00 pm)
Join us in our Wednesday Night, we are currently conducting a Six Session Study Guide plus Streaming Video based on Psalm 23. The study’s title is “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table” (It’s time to win the battle of your mind…) by Louie Giglio. Louie is pastor of Passion City Church and the original visionary of the Passion movement, which exists to call a generation to leverage their lives for the fame of Jesus. We are currently in session four of the study entitled “The Path to Victory”.
In this study as always, we will continue to stick to our motto “A Bible Led, Bible Fed Church” which means that dogmatism does not occur in those “grey areas”.
We are expecting and seek God’s usual sovereign guidance to pour out His blessings as we seek to know Him. Come join us and strap yourself in for an exciting study in God’s Holy Scriptures!
“If you want to grow and get your questions answered then our weekly Wednesday Night Bible Study is for you!”